Posted on July 06, 2018 at 13:02I am using Nucleo F446ZE board and i am trying to interface MicroSD card using 1 bit SDIO Interface(Truestudio).I am using cubemx4.26 with STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0This code works fine 'if(f_mount(&myFATFAS,SDPath,0)==F...
Posted on July 01, 2018 at 10:57I have strange problem, SPI is sending 16 clocks instead of 8 as configured, and my trinamic motor driver simply does not work. Same code worked for STM32F415, right now i am using STM32F051 GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_In...
Posted on July 05, 2018 at 16:51Hi,I got new Nucleo-F767ZI board. I created project for Atollic using CubeMX with FreeRTOS and LWIP and I was able to send ping without any problem. Then I try send small UDP datagram each 1s to mz PC, but it was unsu...
Posted on July 06, 2018 at 13:44This is the now annual continuation of and post of
Posted on May 28, 2016 at 11:37In RM0351 rev.3 (STM32L4x6, I am lazy to look into other RMs now), in the Peripheral Interconnect Matrix, chapter 9.2., Table 35, there is no connection to DMA indicated; similarly in the subsequent subchapters in chap...
Posted on July 06, 2018 at 12:53hello we are working on lora rn2483 , chips ,, just we are curious why it has two windows at reception what is the purpose of that ??
Posted on July 05, 2018 at 16:53Hi every one I have problem in spi communication , I want to Send and Receive data with loopback(mosi connects to miso) in stm32f103c8t6 by interrupt . I set this settings in stm32cube : clock 8m, prescaler 128 ,,,......
Posted on July 04, 2018 at 09:29Is there any option to enable GRAPHICs-->STemWin in CubeMX for SPI display.
Posted on April 07, 2018 at 07:49I have to store STM32F767ZI registers values at one line of my application code without halting my program at that line.As,I am currently trying to use C-Spy for that by using which so far I have managed to store on ...