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Forum Posts

LL USART APIs not woriking!

Posted on June 07, 2018 at 08:33Dear friends,I am trying to send data over RS485 protocol using a STM32F107RCt6 MCU.I config the project in CubeMX and when I write the following code, the USART does not send any data while the project compiles succe...

Mujtaba by Senior
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Enabling UART Idle line interrupt causes program to hang

I'm using STM32L062K08 MCU with HAL library. I found out setting idle line interrupt causes program to hang. It worked when I used for UART2. __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&huart1, UART_IT_IDLE);  // enable idle line interruptWhat could be the possible reason...

Ash G by Associate II
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Resolved! How to write to RTC backup registers on STM32L433 ?

Is there something else that I am missing? I have followed the instructions in UM1884 and RM0394, but after writing to BKP0R, it still reads zero (even with NoErase).0x40021058: 1006c401 1 RCC_APB1ENR1_PWREN 0x40007000: 00000300 1 PWR_CR1_DBP 0x4...

Resolver for STM32F4

Hello everyone. I'm working on a project. I must use a resolver for our servo motor. But I could not find any sample code for resolver.Can anyone help me?Thank you.

Mert by Associate
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Voltage problem on VDD pin on SWD connector.

It's my first design with a STM32 MCU. I want to program a MCU on my custom board with the ST-LINK but when I try with STM32 ST-LINK Utility the connection doesn't work. The STM isn't recognized. When I measure VCC signal on the connector SWD I have ...