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Resolved! Complementary outputs with dead-time?

Hello,I'm trying to have complementary outputs with dead-time on CH1/CH2/CH3 and CH1/CH2/CH3N using TIM1 and Output Compare Mode on STM32F429.So I configured STM32CubeMX like in the picture below :And there is the portion of my code :(for testing pur...

0690X000006BskZQAS.png 0690X000006BskUQAS.png

Resolved! How to correctly initialize and config SVC interrrupt

I'm creating a context switch program for a personal mini ARM kernel project and the context switch program is written entirely in Assembly. The problem is when I make a SVC call (svc 0) I enter the SVC_Handler but when I try to execute the next inst...

SMola by Associate II
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STM32L4A6RG Jumping to application address

Posted on August 28, 2017 at 08:46I divided internal Flash to two part as below:1. bootloader start address: 0x08000000 (size: 0x8000)2. application start address: 0x08008000Now,I'm using the following code in bootloader to jump to application, it's...

NUCLEO-F103RB doesn't work.

I make the EWARM code using STM32CubeMX(ver 4.23.0)I select the NUCLEO-F103RB at the GUI of STM32CubeMX and save usingProject -> Generate codemenu. (I used default settings)I start EWARM(8.20.2) and add  HAL_GPIO_TogglePin( GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5 ); HAL_D...

Himawari by Associate
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printf(), retarget and syscalls.c

I'm bringing up an STM32F103 part using a Makefile project generated by CubeMX. Previously I've always used the Keil IDE and during this switch I encountered some difficulty with retargetting printf. I implemented my fputc prototype as I usually woul...

Konami by Senior II
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STM32F407G-DISC1 board with debugger v2.0 can be powered from "anywhere", but STM32F407G-DISC1 board with debugger v2.1 needs power from a PC. Why?

I have two STM32F407G-DISC1 boards with the same firmware, one has debugger version 2.0 and the other has debugger version 2.1. The version 2.0 board always works perfectly, it doesn't matter if I plug the USB-cable into a mobile phone charger, batte...

arnold_w by Senior II
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