I am wondering how to use usb msc with QSPI serial flash.
I am using STM32F469, and I want to connect with USB MSC and QSPI SERIAL FLASH. Is there any sample source?
I am using STM32F469, and I want to connect with USB MSC and QSPI SERIAL FLASH. Is there any sample source?
Bonus question: If I use an STM32F07x can I use the same compliled software on both?
Hello,I'm trying to have complementary outputs with dead-time on CH1/CH2/CH3 and CH1/CH2/CH3N using TIM1 and Output Compare Mode on STM32F429.So I configured STM32CubeMX like in the picture below :And there is the portion of my code :(for testing pur...
I'm creating a context switch program for a personal mini ARM kernel project and the context switch program is written entirely in Assembly. The problem is when I make a SVC call (svc 0) I enter the SVC_Handler but when I try to execute the next inst...
Posted on August 28, 2017 at 08:46I divided internal Flash to two part as below:1. bootloader start address: 0x08000000 (size: 0x8000)2. application start address: 0x08008000Now,I'm using the following code in bootloader to jump to application, it's...
Hello everyoneI'm using STM32F072 microcontroller. I've to update my software reading from an external memory via SPI the whole HEX program, and the program it in the flash. To do so, I do the steps:Create a section in the linker file called ramfuncS...
I make the EWARM code using STM32CubeMX(ver 4.23.0)I select the NUCLEO-F103RB at the GUI of STM32CubeMX and save usingProject -> Generate codemenu. (I used default settings)I start EWARM(8.20.2) and add HAL_GPIO_TogglePin( GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5 ); HAL_D...
I'm bringing up an STM32F103 part using a Makefile project generated by CubeMX. Previously I've always used the Keil IDE and during this switch I encountered some difficulty with retargetting printf. I implemented my fputc prototype as I usually woul...
I am a beginner. I'm not familiar with I2C and I have to interface LC709203F battery fuel Gauge with STM32L071 controller. I had no Idea how to get values from this fuel Gauge. I can just check IsDeviceReady. I want to set some levels of battery so t...
I have two STM32F407G-DISC1 boards with the same firmware, one has debugger version 2.0 and the other has debugger version 2.1. The version 2.0 board always works perfectly, it doesn't matter if I plug the USB-cable into a mobile phone charger, batte...