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Hi guys,I have a program use USB CDC and some function(STM32F103C8T6 StdPeriph lib). If use USB to power supply then program normal working, but it's working I leave USB out from Board (have sub power supply for Board) Program stop now. And if don't ...
Hi guys!I have a problem with stm32f103, I want to check MCU Reset cause, I use RCC_GetFlagStatus is ok, after that i'll clear rcc flag but It's not working & MCU not working when user RCC_ClearFlag. If i remove RCC_ClearFlag function then MCU work n...
hi guys!Can you help me solve that problem:I had write bootloader for stm32F300rct6, program have jump to main application success but interrupt not working. I don't know what is missing? In main application i edit #define FLASH_BASE ((uint32_t)0x080...