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Forum Posts

STM32f4 Discovery ADC problem

I am trying to do a partial integration on a 550 KHz waveform using STM32F4 Discovery board using the Waijung toolset in Simulink. The sampling time that I am using is 0.018 us, i.e 3 cycles if the clock frequency is 168 MHz. The ADC prescaler is 2, ...

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SMitr by Associate II
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STM32F103 read/write SD card with SPI not SDIO

I would like to know if there is any examples on SD cards with SPI interface and HAL drivers. I use cube MX to generate my code and also the HAL librarys. However i know to get SD cards working with SPI I need to change the low level files which fatf...

Resolved! Reading current sensor via SPI (Solved)

I'm having problems to read my current sensor, which is located at the source leg of a power transistor. I'm using the sensor TLI4970This is my routine every 10ms:HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_PIN_RESET); //Bring slave select low   HAL_SP...

xpp07 by Senior
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Bypassing UART

I have a UART configured in DMA read mode:/* task 1 code*/ uint8_t dmaRXBuffer[1]; HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(&UART_DOWN_USB_TO_SERIAL, dmaRXBuffer, 1);   /* UART DMA receive complete ISR code*/ void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef* huart) { if...

What would cause my MCU to be held in reset?

I have a STM32F756 on my PCB. The microcontroller was responding with no problems, has been programmed and software running on it. It was put to the side for a few days, and when picked up again, the micro has become unresponsive and the SEGGER JLink...

HLove by Associate II
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CubeMX / UART transmit DMA question

I am using an STM32L476VG which does not have UART transmit/receive fifo's.Therefor I am using DMA for periodic transmission of some data (3 bytes at 125kbit at about 2kHz).This is all configured in CubeMX and functioning (DMA in normal mode btw).I a...

sanne by Associate
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F401RET6 - unstable at 84MHz, works fine with 48MHz

Hi,I am trying to setup clock from HSE on a F401RET6, when I setup 48MHz it works fine, but when I try 84Mhz after few steps when clock is set the CPU makes werid things (the PC counter stops increment or goes to a strange value).I am using libopencm...

MSchy by Associate
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