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Documentation issue STM32 discovery kit IoT node

Hi,In this document, Where to find this firmware package (see the photo),...

Failed to load flash loader: C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.2\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F401xE.flash

Hi.Here I am on a task of Migrating a code which is working the STM32F411RE processor to STM32L476RG. I have done the all the steps as per the guidelines given by the ST. I am facing an error, " Failed to load flash loader: C:\Program Files\IAR Syste...

Website issue

Hi there is an issue in the website and there is no way to contact the webmaster. The issue is in the contact list here: , I've tried to send the email to: 1) 2)me...

STM32F417 DAC offset

I'm using STM32F417 MCU for our system design, DAC1 and DAC2 is employed to output variable DC voltage, but both channel has about 50mV offset ( Set_DAC_Out1(0); ). In the user datasheet, there is no register related to adjust offset. Is there anyo...

New.Fish by Associate III
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Issue to use SPI1 with port B GPIOs

Hello All,What is the secret to enabling SPI1 on PortB GPIO? Attached code below works fine on GPIOA bits PA5 and PA7Any ideas?Thanks in advance,MikeLifting the example straight from the reference manual....// Configure PortA bits 5 and 7 for alterna...

uart rx interrupt advice

Hi All,I'm after a little bit of advice on how to use the uart interrupts. I would like to implement an interrupt driven uart receiver which takes a single byte at a time and stuffs it into a buffer. When a terminating char is received, a flag is r...