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SDRAM help

Hello.I want to use AS4C8M32SA-6BIN ( )But I can't pick up the settings.The names in HAL and th...

STM32F412 - Interfacing with 8 PDM microphones

I've been reviewing AN5027 (Interfacing PDM digital microphones using STM32) and am a little unclear about a 4x2ch mic configuration using 4 of the SPI/I2S peripherals available on the F412.Looking at the figure below, could I connect all 4 stereo pa...

sully by Associate II
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Is fsmc and fmc different?

Posted on March 07, 2018 at 13:57My hardware is STM32F429ZI6 and LCD.External ram or etc no other hardware.Is fsmc and fmc different?Is that valid  this data for the command stm32f429?#define LCD_REG (*((volatile unsigned short *) 0x60000000)) #defi...

kemal by Associate II
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FSMC Timing on STM32L4R5

I have LCD connected to FSMC, 16bit parallel interface.It works, but all signals are twice slower.SYSCLK is 120MHz (checked using MCO), HCLK divider is 1 (checked with debugger).Timers TIM2, TIM3 and TIM4 give expected results, so the system clocks ...

Bin file wrong size?

Posted on June 21, 2018 at 18:10Hi, I've got a strange problem when generate the bin file from my project. I'm using atollic true studio and then generate the file the dimension are too hi! Anyone have any suggestion?See attached imageThanks

Luca G by Associate
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EEPROM emulation in stm32f030

Hello guys.I have two int variables in my application and need to save them. Somebody told me that you can do this by software that is called EEPROM emulation. I searched what it is and I'm confused.Can anyone help me do it step by step? (If you can ...

Using Hal & RTX Togehther

I am working on a project based on stm32f429 chip. I made the project using CubeMX and added RTX codes. and made changes like this link: still it doesnt work...What is the prob...

EFath by Associate
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[SOLVED] Low-Power Stop Mode Example -> Dead STM32

Posted on June 25, 2018 at 12:17Hi,Today I tried the STM example (see below path) of low power stop mode on my STM32L053, While stepping trough the code in debug mode, somewhere in SystemPower_Config(), line 237, HAL_GPIO_Init(...) the connection wi...

F F by Associate II
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Why does dynamic allocation make my program so big?

Before you say it, I know dynamic allocation is usually a bad idea with embedded software, this is more of a technical question. If I create a new blank C++ project based on my Nucleo-L152RE in SW4STM32, the "text" portion of my compiled project read...

mhelyar by Associate
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