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Forum Posts

I2C read/write proper way, to many options

HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(I2C_HandleTypeDef, Address, REGUSTER, rsz, buff, bsz, tout);If the device address is 0x77,what is th proper way. I can find non consistent answers, though i cannot read. I get HAL_ERORis it:Anyway each option returns non consistent d...

Marius CO by Associate III
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Potential Silicon Error in SPI1 of STM32L432KC

Hi,I suspect that I encountered with undocumented silicon error of STM32L432KC, while I'm playing with a Nucleo32-L432KC board. Here is how to reproduce it:Start a new project with CubeMX v.4.27.0Select SPI1 as a full duplex master(PA1:SCK, PA6:MISO,...

Innomatic by Associate II
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I am able to receive only 0x0D in receive buffer, but I can see different data in Receive string.Please can someone help me..unsigned char i = 0, k = 0; //HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_PIN_SET); //Switch ON GSM LDO __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&h...

SDRAM help

Hello.I want to use AS4C8M32SA-6BIN ( )But I can't pick up the settings.The names in HAL and th...

STM32F412 - Interfacing with 8 PDM microphones

I've been reviewing AN5027 (Interfacing PDM digital microphones using STM32) and am a little unclear about a 4x2ch mic configuration using 4 of the SPI/I2S peripherals available on the F412.Looking at the figure below, could I connect all 4 stereo pa...

sully by Associate II
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Is fsmc and fmc different?

Posted on March 07, 2018 at 13:57My hardware is STM32F429ZI6 and LCD.External ram or etc no other hardware.Is fsmc and fmc different?Is that valid  this data for the command stm32f429?#define LCD_REG (*((volatile unsigned short *) 0x60000000)) #defi...

kemal by Associate II
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FSMC Timing on STM32L4R5

I have LCD connected to FSMC, 16bit parallel interface.It works, but all signals are twice slower.SYSCLK is 120MHz (checked using MCO), HCLK divider is 1 (checked with debugger).Timers TIM2, TIM3 and TIM4 give expected results, so the system clocks ...