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Forum Posts

USART1_IRQHandler ISR routine not been called?

Hi,I am using a STM32F407VE MCU board with USART1 as debug port. I am able to output string to USART1 but not receiving. This ISR routine never been trigger after I enter some chars from teraterm.I do believe I setup the ISR in .s file and enable ISR...

STM32F030K6 stack problem

hii am trying to make a new project on STM32F030K6 but, after i start and pause debug, a message appears : The stack pointer for stack 'CSTACK' (currently 0x20000658) is outside the stack range (0x20000048 to 0x20000448)  . and the program stuck so...

H.Darwish by Associate II
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STM32 MCU to MQTT server using( ESP8266)

I am trying to connect my microcontroller STM32F429IGT to CloudMQTT using ESP8266 wifi module. Our wifi module has successfully connected to the router when I tried to connect to MQTT server using AT Command it is not getting connected. It is showin...

Resolved! While integrating SD card with Stm32 in SDIO, FATFS. How can i make the text enter in new line? and also how can i save an integer not characther, How can that be feasible?

I am referring to FATFS library1.I tried to use \n and \t it didnt work. i wanted to make text appear in a new line. 2. in the memory card i wanted to store a vairable integer, How can i do that? As of now i could able to save only character. In FATF...

Apill by Senior
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Where to find time.h library for STM32

I'm looking to implement an RTC on the STM32F411 and with an STM32L083 and would like to use a time library (mostly) for converting between date/time and epoch time. Does ST provide these libraries or can I find them somewhere?

Konami by Senior II
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Timer during StopMode

Is it possible to set start a timer (e.g in a function), then enable the StopMode in the whileloop, and when the timer has expired wake up agian?

JLand.15 by Associate
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I am trying to interface TM12864H6CCGWA-1 via SPI on nucleo-L073RZ .I am unable to print anything on display. I have checked all connections , all pins are connected correctly but Its not working. Please help me.

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "main.h" #include "stm32l0xx_hal.h"   /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */ /*LCD RST */ # define LCD_RST1 HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_0, GPIO_PIN_SET); # define...

swald.18 by Associate
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