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Forum Posts

How to get the Unix timestamp from STM F7?

I need to get the Unix timestamp from my F7 application.I know how to use the HAL_RTC_GetTime() function that returns the time in the RTC_TimeTypeDef, but I want the raw epoch time since 1/1/1970.Is there a function to get this timestamp?

STM32L011E4 Using DMA/DMA Burst for one pulse output

I have the need to send a serial data stream where each cycle may or may not have a different duty cycle. My frequency is 10 KHz.The data stream to send a 0x5A with parity would look like this (1 cycle at each duty cycle)Start Bit 90% Duty Cycle...

MKatz by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L452 package with VDD12

Using the STM32L452. Would like to use the Vdd12 pin but it appears to be only available on the LQFP 64 package. Is there any way to have that pin available on the BGA packages?

TVale by Associate
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CubeMX initialize MAC adress from external memory

Hi,what is the correct way to initialize the MAC address read from an external memory by using LwIP? /* Initialize all configured peripherals */..=> need MAC address here do correct initalization... MX_LWIP_Init();...=> MAC address can be read here f...