User Activity

Helloi'm looking for a way to use self-calibration on STM32F767 ?i find in documentation HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start function, but i don't have it in HAL driver...thanks for any supportBest regards
Hellois it possible to set 2 fonts for a text, for exemple i have following text that must be i the middle of the screen: <value>%I want value wildcard to be in 17px and % char in 20px, is it possible ?If it is not possible, i have to use 2 text area...
Hello,Do you know if there is a simple way to make touchGFX draw a circle during a few ms on each touch screen press ?best regards
Hello,i use snprintf function to print some UnicodeChar variable. But i have trouble to get special charcters printed (as é, è, ü...) by the mean of this function.(even if i have declared in the typography wildcard Character column the special charac...
Hello,When generating a project for STM32F746 Disco board a QSPI.mac is generated.This file contains instruction to load into RAM __hwReset(0);    __message "---- setup device ----" ; Reg = __readMemory32(0x40023838, "Memory"); // RCC.AHB3ENR enable ...
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