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STM32L052K8U + DS3232M I2C not respond

Hi, everybody. I have a problem, can not connect via I2C with RTC. Use a microcontroller and RTC STM32L052K8U DS3232M. Used library HAL. From the watch constantly comes NACK. The wizard sends the correct address (I'm sure of that, but just in case I ...

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Hello everyone.I'm just starting stm32f4. I'm try to use USART DMA, with Transmit it's ok. But with Receive, when I send characters from Terminal to Board first, for example 'aaa', it's ok. But the second characters I send, for example 'bbb', so the ...

How to stop flicker on STM32F769 disco board

Hello!I'm looking for info about how to write a flicker free program on STM32769 disco board.There are a few samples in the latest firmware (stored in repository / STM32Cube FV 1.21...).I tried all the samples for DSI, in cmd mode or video mode, all ...

PG.13 by Associate II
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hard fault after configure systick

i use NUCLEO - F767ZI and test a simple code as followint sum(int a,int b){   return a+b; }   int main(void){   int dly;   __enable_irq(); SysTick_Config(100000); NVIC_EnableIRQ(SysTick_IRQn); dly = sum(1,3); return 0...

cai.bai by Associate II
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ı try to internal flash codding with STM32L476 ı van erase the banks and pages but HAL_FLASH_Program İS NOT WORKİNG ı get the SR errors(SIZERR,PGSERR) so how can ı fix it

my code is,  /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "main.h"#include "stm32l4xx_hal.h"#define FLASH_BSY   (1 << 16)/* Fast programming not used => related errors not used*/#define FLASH_PGSERR  (1 << ...

yekme by Associate
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STM32L152 WakeUp time

Hi,I would like to know if the wakeup time from STOP mode is defined, when LOWPOWERREGULATOR is ON and the main clock is used a MSI (4194 MHz). Can not find this information. Also I would like to compare it with others Low Power modes...Thank you fo...

JAN R by Associate III
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wolfSSH config for STM32F103C8T6

Hi I'm new to this thing. does anyone has any example or config on how to implement the wolfSSH for STM32F103C8T6.Is there any other supporting SSH library which I can use with STM32F103C8T6? Thanks in advance.

VHado by Associate
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