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Resolved! STM32 HAL I2C Driver - Wrong Slave Address

Hi, I have a board with STM32F501R8T6 and AT24C02 & DS1307 RTC are connected to I2C2. Earlier i had used custom I2C driver and interfaced them with a 8051 controller without any issues. Now since there is a need to change the I/0 pins config in ARM ...

PR.19 by Associate II
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STM32F042: External clock and clock output

As described before ( I want to use 2 STM32F042 as CAN controller. So far I planned to use the internal HSI RC oscillator, but a +-5% tolerance seems critical for ...

0690X000006CHJZQA4.png 0690X000006CHJeQAO.png
harald by Associate III
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HMAC digest doesn't match expected (STM3221G-EVAL)

I just purchased the STM3221G-EVAL board and I am working through some examples. I am currently using running the HMAC example and it runs fine. However I am unable to get the HMAC to match the test vectors provided in the specification (https://tool...

OOmen by Associate II
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digital read problem in stmf429 discovery

I'm trying to connect the limit switch to my stm32f429 discovery board. the digital read function is not working. I didn't get the desired output instead all the signals are high in IDR. I don't know what I'm missing?. I watch some examples on the we...

Ark1 by Associate II
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