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STM32F4 Discovery cycling on/off

This failure happened suddenly with no apparent cause. The board started cycling on/off at a fairly regular frequency (as shown in the attached video). When this happened, LD1, LD2, and LD7 all cycled on/off (LD7 never turns on in normal operation, a...

RDM responder

Posted on December 14, 2015 at 01:07Hi I'm currently developping a RDM responder :) Did somebody of you already took part of a project with RDM ? If so, can I expect some help with my program ? :)Thank you ! #dmx512 #stm32

SPI clock is not clocking!

Hi everyone, i'm trying to read some data from an accelerator and for this purpose using SPI. I'm using NUCLEO-F401RE board. So after enabling SPI, clock pin goes HIGH as i want (CPOL=1) but when i send data CLK stays as HIGH until i disable SPI, mea...

N ORhan by Associate III
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How does USB FS DFU work to make firmware updates?

Hello I have two cards, the first is a STM32F746 Discovery and the second is a STM32L475 Discovery.I have to use USB FS to do the firmware updates using the DFU class in USB_Device in CubeMx.I have all tried to update the cards with the DfuSe Demo so...

Hani by Associate II
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[STM32F4] Unable to get CAN to work using HAL

I have been trying to get CAN communication to work using the STM32F4 HAL. I am using the MCP2561 ( transceiver with the Nucleo board. I have tried using both Normal mode and Loopback mode...

3pak by Associate II
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Problem with DFSDM clock...

HI since fews days, i'm trying to get data from my microphone connected in stereo mode on my evaluation card B-L475E-IOT01A and give them to the DAC. According to the datasheet PE7 is DFSDM1_DATIN2 and PE9 DFSDM1_CLKOUTso i activated channel 1 on cha...

0690X000006CLoIQAW.png 0690X000006CLoXQAW.png
WAGUI by Associate
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