How can i interface HMI with STM32F103 using MODBUS (RS232) ?
I want to interface HMI with STM32F1 MCU using UART to RS232 converter but i can not found any MODBUS library for STM32 mcu.
I want to interface HMI with STM32F1 MCU using UART to RS232 converter but i can not found any MODBUS library for STM32 mcu.
Hello,STM32G0 provides additional device pins by using onlt one VCC/VDD pin pair. Is there any deeper explanation how this is achieved?
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Hi,I am working on STM32F042.I have setup the BxCAN peripheral into loop-back silent mode, and it works fine. I can transfer and receive every single frame I am transmitting and no error conditions are detected.However, I have noticed that when I wan...
Posted on November 27, 2017 at 14:20Hi everyone,I'm trying to clear my head around interrupts with an STM32l0x3. I'm not using HAL functions, rather I'm trying to understand the logic behind all this.This becomes a little bit messier since the NVIC ...
1.Uncommenting one line in service_asset.c still can't work.Request a token from Amazon website. It shows token "ANeQCyBUgoyAFxrpfsUJ" in browser. But my STM32F769I shows below messages: Always can't pass Amazon ATS certificates.=====================...
If i remove while(1){} from Error handler and Hard fault handler is there any chance of it to effect micro controller
I'm using STM32F411RCT chip and using I2C3 slave is BMP280 * 2ea and HDC1080The bmp280 is implemented as a function of HAL_I2C_Mem_Read.HDC1080 is implemented as a function of HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit & HAL_I2C_Master_Receivenow, I change this fun...