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my lcd nit doesnt happends some of my devices

hello ,i want to have your advice in general:We use lcd 16x2 for our master device and 20x4( lcd needs 5 v power) for the end devices, in both we use keyad to make a PİN OUT RESET OF THE STM CHİP ,But for some device the lcd init happens very good fo...

Resolved! the Flash of STM32F100C8T6 is 64K or 128K ?

I have a product that needs to write parameters to Flash.I saw on the website and datasheet all tell me STM32F100C8T6 is 64K Flash,Flash 1K per page, total 64 page,the finnal page is page 63,however I made a fault I made a fault I write parameters t...

cTomm by Associate II
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HardFault error using lwIP TCP stack and freeRTOS!

Dear friends,I am trying to create a TCP server using lwIP and netconn APIs for STM32F407VGt6 MCU and recieve data from a PC software program which acts as a TCP client.The MCU recieves all the data correctly from PC software in multiple packets and ...

Mujtaba by Senior
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Random behaviour while using ADC on STM32f030cc

Hello.I'm using STM32f030CC in which we have to use 2 ADC channels.Following is the Initialization part. ADC_InitTypeDef stADC_InitStructure; GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;   RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOB , ENABLE); /****...

Stm32 I2c transmit restart issue

Posted on March 18, 2015 at 11:45 Hi everyone, I am working with a sensor which communicates using i2c. I am very new to stm 32 and could only figure out the basics of the code.I have successfully obtained data from other sensors using i2...


Uart is not working at my PC

Hi, I generated code by CUBE MX.Version of Cube mx is 4.27, MDK5 is 5.26I attach my code.In my code,The program stop at this code.while (HAL_UART_GetState(&huart2) != HAL_UART_STATE_READY){}Why is it?