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Forum Posts

Cause of STM32 internal flash memory wear

Hello, I would like some clarification on the internal flash memory wear of a stm32f722ret, which is rated at a minimal 10000 P/E cycles. An example:Suppose there is a flash block/page/sector with two bytes, A and B. Byte A gets programmed (for examp...

AOver by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F072 USART3 interrupt error

recently I used the STM32F072 USRT3 to communicate with my peripheral, the configuration of USART3 is follow:static void USART3_Init( void ){ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStruct...

User.152 by Associate II
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ADC INJECTED Wrong values reading

Posted on June 28, 2018 at 22:18Hello everyonei have a question, i am using 3 Ranks ADC injected mode for reading potential resistors..the problem is when ever i change one value it affects the other channel reading.examplechannel 1 reading is 1.3vc...

Timer3 runs 2x faster than expected

Posted on August 04, 2016 at 17:11Timer3 runs 2x faster than expectedI know what many readers are thinking but read onI set my STM32F746 (DISCOVERY PCB) for SysClk=216 MHzAHB Prescaler set to �1 thus HCLK = 216 MHzAPB1 prescaler set to �4 thus PCLK1...

picguy2 by Associate II
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hi, I have a few stm32f429i discovery old version, they work by USB connection to PC (for power) or by 5v external power supply(without USB connection )

recently I bought some new version (disc1) these start working by connecting USB,but they don't start by 5v external supply without USB connection to PC,I have to connect USB connection to PC and external 5v to proper pin then it starts working , now...

My simple IWDG dont work - why?

Hi.I downloaded some IWDG example code from Keil because I will use the IWDG-feature of my STM32F107. Configurations/init are located in this procedure://__inline static void stm32_IwdgSetup (void) { static void stm32_IwdgSetup (void) {   RCC->...
