how to make *.bin file in atollic TrueSTUDIO program ?
hello. i want to make *.bin file for download into stm32L433,i have to change below option or i just change below check option please give me information thanks a lot
hello. i want to make *.bin file for download into stm32L433,i have to change below option or i just change below check option please give me information thanks a lot
Posted on March 20, 2016 at 01:17I'm using the stm32f0 nucleo and a gps module , I am able to receive data from the gps and i get the string below. $GPGGA,000055.600,285...
Is there any working examples for how to edit the eeprom.c file so you can use three sectors for the eeprom emulation? It is mentioned in AN3969 that it is possible to do that for wear levelling and it mentions that the EE_FindValidPage() function mu...
fsmc timing problem hello my lcd need the ne1 pin in stm32 to be >= 500ns but i see i oscilloscope it's 124ns . i need to make it >= 500ns for my lcd cs pin i want to make NE1 high pulse width more than 500ns here is my timing code hsram1.Instanc...
Posted on August 11, 2017 at 15:07Hello Community,I have configured a STM32F429ZIT to communicate through SPI (SPI6) as slave and using DMA, see attached file.The transmission works very well during 1 - 5 min but suddenly some transmission errors oc...
I am new to STM8/STM32 development. At this point my interest is purely for my personal hobby (non-commercial). I was under the impression that the MDK-ARM-STM32 compiler package was a free/unlimited IDE. I began the process to get the package from...
gp22_send_1byte(Power_On_Reset); HAL_Delay(1); gp22_wr_config_reg(0x81, reg_test); HAL_Delay(1); //gp22_send_1byte(init); HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi3, &tx, 1, 1); //send tx=0xb5 opcode HAL_Delay(1); ...
Posted on January 18, 2018 at 01:29In STM32F446xC/E DS rev.6, Table 10. STM32F446xx pin and ball descriptions, SPDIF-Rx input pins are named SPDIFRX_IN0, SPDIFRX_IN1, SPDIFRX_IN2, SPDIFRX_IN3.In the same DS, Table 11. Alternate function, the same pi...
IWDG of STM32F103 work in hardware watchdog mode, by set MCU's option bytes.My question is "Once the option byte wrote, software need not start the IWDG by code, even after many times reset ( include software reset , PVD reset, IWDG reset) IWDG is ...