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Forum Posts

SysTick_Handler called at 3ms interval instead of 1ms

Platform: STM32F429 Discovery KitI have created a simple project using Keil, to toggle GPIOs. The self generated code sets the clock at 168MHz. When I look at the timing for the SysTick_Handler call, it is 3ms instead of the 1ms that I expected. Why...

JAcos by Associate II
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STM32L011F4 power consumption

Hi team,i need your help, i use STM32L011F4 controller ,This controller consuming 2mA current in sleep mode, as per datasheet it consumes only a less than 0.5mA current in sleep mode, i can use only a I2C and RTC peripheral with 16MHz frequency.......

STLinkV2 detected Cannot connect to target

Hi allI am new learner for use the STLink V2 programmer.I'm detect the error "cannot connect to the target" unable program to my MCU.I use my JTAG 20 pins connector and use few pin NRST,VCC,GND,SWDIO,SWCLK connect to my UUT connector .And also power ...

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tyee by Associate
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HAL_SPI_Transmit uint16_t size limit

Hello,I would like to send a uint32_t size array via HAL_SPI_Transmit / HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA but both are limited to 16 bit size. I have tried casting as HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1,Array,(uint16_t)65537),10000)but this doesn't work.I have also tried edi...

SSmit.0 by Associate II
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How do I import a sample project into Eclipse?

How do I import a Cube project? I once managed to set up a project where I am able to write firmware for the stm32f746g-disco board using the tutorial Even after the instructions I ...

MMett by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F030F4P6 with Arduino IDE or Atmel Studio

Hello,I have just got a new board that I purchased using the STM32F030F4P6 MCU.This is a Mini Developing board that you can get from Ali Express and it is good as well IMHO.The Board that I have is:And I am bit struggling to make it to work under Ard...

AGUET by Associate II
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STM32F0 Communication with STPM33 Evaluation board

Hi All; I would like to measure active power. DataTx[0] = 0xFF; DataTx[1] = 0x00; DataTx[2] = 0xA0; DataTx[3] = 0x00; DataTx[4] = Metro_HAL_CalcCRC8(DataTx); HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)DataTx, (uint8_t *)DataRx, sizeof(DataTx),10...

Gz by Senior
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