Using BOOT0 as GPIO input
Hi! Wanted to know if i can use BOOT0 as GPIO input after my stm32f7 SW is up and running?
Hi! Wanted to know if i can use BOOT0 as GPIO input after my stm32f7 SW is up and running?
Hi,I am using PB0 and PB1 (no choice) alternatively but synchronized as PWM output and input/compare.For output, the only way to have two different DMA channels is to use a complementary output for one the two I/O.It seems a timer complementary outpu...
I am using the STM32F103C8 (blue Pill) and have been having lots of troubles with reading multiple channels on ADC1. Here is my init code using firmware 1.7: ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig = {0}; /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC1_Init 1 */ /* USER COD...
I'm currently using an STM32F4 board for a project that requires fast ADC conversion (2.4msps per channel, all 3 channels simultaneously) *and* pretty extensive cross correlation. Due to the clock tree of the F4, if I want to use the highest ADC cloc...
On an STM32F4, I am using a timer in IC mode using a DMA transfer. I'm able to do this by setting up and using HAL_TIM_IC_Start_DMA. For a given timer channel, the "DMA request mapping" table in the datasheet shows which stream is connected to which ...
CubeMX 5.1.0, stm32F303re, OPAMP4 dropdown box Follower-DAC_OUT1_INP. Code section: hopamp4.Init.NonInvertingInput = OPAMP_NONINVERTINGINPUT_IO3; is not correct, should be: hopamp4.Init.NonInvertingInput = OPAMP_NONINVERTINGINPUT_IO2;reference to ...
I'm writing an application for a STM32F407 that requires very high speed ADC for 6 channels (two for each ADC, using regular simultaneous scanned mode), then once a series of conditions are met, perform quite a few cross correlation calculations for...
Dear Member,I tested my GPS module with moving car,I can not see any result, but when the car stopped, I saw the result,I can not see the speed as well on GPS.GPVTG.kph, any same experiences ?Any ideas on how to fix it ?Thanks
How does Atollic TrueSTUDIO handle debug events generated by breakpoints and watchpoints that have been set up in the code (haven't been set up by the debugger)?
Dear Members,Is it possible that I share SPI2 for SDcard and LCD ?thanks