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Forum Posts

STM32F429 does not start without debug probe

HelloMy app does not start without the debug probe.I replaced source code (app with freertos) by a simple blinking led, and it starts withoutthe debug probe (segger j-trace)...Any idea?Edit; Moving around a blinking led in the code, it appears that c...

JulienD by Senior
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Resolved! STM32F3 PGA stability with low voltage signals

Hi,I am trying to use all the 4 PGAs in the STM32F303 to amplify and measure some low voltage signals (100-200mV with a gain of 8 or 16) coming from a temperature sensor. Doing so on one channel works fine, and I am able to get accurate readings once...

JThev by Associate II
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STM32F4-DISCOVERY I2C hanging problem

Hi everyone, I have a strange behavior with STM32F4-DISCOVERY I2C communication.My system includes an STM32F4-DISCOVERY, a BLDC motor, a flow sensor (SDP601), and a pressure sensor (MS5525DSO). The motor works as a blower and 2 sensors measure the fl...

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QDang by Associate
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IrDA compliant library

Posted on May 09, 2012 at 00:56One of the areas I'm looking at with the STM32 is being able to transfer files (or at least data) from an IrDA dongle from Windows to the STM32. However, as I understand it, the STM32 only implements the PHY layer usin...

shotaro by Associate II
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LPTIM ARRM and CMPM Update Times

Posted on April 17, 2017 at 19:54I am looking for the max and typical update times for the LPTIMx_CMP and LPTIMx_ARR registers on an STM32L4x. I don't see these listed in the reference manual anywhere. Additionally, are there any settings or device ...

Resolved! Global Variables and Timer Interrupt

Greetings to all.I'm new to this forum and new with STM32 too. So i decided to experiment (and mess) with them to learn something.Now the first problem. I am esperimenting with timers, and after i discovered we can't use HAL_Delay() inside a timer's ...

VForm by Associate II
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