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STM32L4 and STOP Mode - Power Consumption

Posted on July 06, 2018 at 09:56 Hi guys, I have a nucleo board of a STM32L4 and I'm trying to test the Power Consumption in the different Low Power Modes. I read the examplePWR_EnterStopMode and viewed a few discussion in the community for...

Phase Shifting PWM2 from PWM1 on Same Timer

Is it possible to do this? I need to shift PWM2 by 180 degrees from PWM1. On a test board I am doing this with two timers, with the second timer picking up the count from the first and adding period/2. The current board will not allow this.I hope it ...

Using I2C-DMA without any interrupt

I am trying to build a system that does not use interrupts at all. This due to hard realtime requirments. Now I hat a look at the HAL code and as far as I can see even HAL_I2C_DMA functions seem to rely on IRQ, correct?Can HAL I2C DMA functions be us...

stephan2 by Associate II
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Hi,is it possible to use the L4's LSE in bypass mode, driven by a 1Hz signal?I have a set of L4 chips on a bus and would like to feed them a 1Hz / PPS signal from a precise / temperature-compensated clock (and then use the LSE with /1 prescaler for t...

Setting RTC Alarm For A Specific Period From Now

Hello,I would like to set an RTC alarm to wake the system, let's say, 5 seconds from current time.The example applications show how to set an alarm for a specific date+time in the future, but I want to set it for X milliseconds from current time.One ...

ISeed by Senior
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