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Forum Posts

Run code from external RAM

Hello,for a new project I plan to execute the code from an external SRAM connected via FMC.Are there any experience on speed leakage?In an other Topic I read that there are losses of 4 times the speed compared to the embedded Flash.https://community....

Bombadil by Associate II
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resetting the WWDG

Hey everyone,I'm a little confused. I've added the wwdg, but I'm not sure where to refresh it. Is there somewhere I can refresh it that should happen at a constant time, The examples I looked at simply place the reset in the code, but I have so many ...

con3 by Senior
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Resolved! NUCLEO-F722ZE I2C2 in slave mode doesn't work nothing.

Hi,I am using NUCLEO -F722ZE board for testing the STM32F7 and their peripheral features. Other peripherals I tested works fine, but I have encountered a problem with I2C2 in slave mode, that doesn't send ACK when the master calls it (status flags ke...

RCata by Associate III
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GPIO Speed

Hello everybody,I have to generate a pulse with very narrow and different widths. The setting and procedure is as follows: Clock Freq = 16 Mhz, Prescaler = 1. off time should be 15 μs,  thuss = 15 μs * 16MHz / 2 = 120  Counts and with this logic for ...

Samuel1 by Associate III
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multi master spi

Hey everyone,I've been struggling with the multi-master spi. I can send and receive seperately but when I try to integrate it into one program it bogs out. My understanding is that I can set the SPI line as a slave and then whenever I want it to act ...

con3 by Senior
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