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Resolved! Turn on PWM for n cycles?

Hello there,I was wondering either it is possible (with STM32L4) to turn on a PWM channel for a certain amount of cycles or for a certain amount of time? Ideally, without any interrupts during this period or at the end.I am trying to figure out a way...

Sharing common flash memory space between two projects?

I trying to make common address space for BT-stack in flash memory, show in below figure. I have two projects using same flash memory. In both the projects Bt stack is used, so, I thought to make common memory for BT stack so that both the projects c...

mani s by Associate III
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Resolved! clock frequency calculations

Hi,I am going to use internal osc for generating a frequency of signal 36khz. Do i need any external circuitry for it ..?For selection of 8Mhz frequency as clock can it be done in cube mx only and generate a source code form there...?Selection of pr...

Divyanshu by Associate II
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flashing internal memory for STM32F730 by UART1

I am flashing the internal memory for STM32F1xx by UART1 by setting: boot0 to high and boot1 to low; then booting from internal flash: boot0 to low and boot1 to low; all OK;I want to flash (UART1) and boot (internal) in the same way with a with a STM...

AKuhn.2 by Associate
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Can't get DAC to work on STM32F3Discovery board

Hi,First of all, I'm very new to the STM32 family of microcontrollers. I'm trying to output a sine wave on the DAC (pin PA4 on the discovery board) using DMA2 channel 3, triggered by TIM6. I use the STM32CubeMX to generate the code, then I manually a...

c64 by Associate II
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I'm new to the topic and have a basic question.I set up a ADC_DMA transfer to read sensor values: HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)&ADC1ConvertedValue, 1)This works to always update the ADC1ConvertedValue variable to the latest value.But how can ...

YHaag by Associate
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Resolved! Tell NVIC not to exeucte a pending interrupt

I am using STM32F070 processor. I want to know a way of instructing the NVIC not to execute Timer interrupt in certain cases. Is there a way to do this? The situaltion is as follows-There are two interrupts- SPI and timer conifgured at same priority ...

Vvine by Associate II
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Resolved! writing half word 16 bits on flash stm32f429ZI

Posted on May 23, 2018 at 10:05Hello evry body , i can write a byte on flash of stm32f429ZI WÄ°TH success . for info i use nucleo 144 and sector 23 the last sector .for example :with these adresses uint32_t locip1_adress=0x081E0001;//LAST sector for...

Flash Wear on STM32F030

I would like some clarification regarding Flash wear on an STM32F030. The datasheet states an "endurance" of 1000 cycles. Presumably this means 1000 write and erase cycles. If I erase a page, and then write to the page one 16-bit half word at a time,...

MSain.7 by Associate
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