Hi,I am using STM32F427ZIT6 for one of the design. I am new to designing. I am connecting 8 ADC's to this device using SPI. I am using SPI4 (Pin 1,4,5). I want to know whether chip select (8 nos) can connect to any IO's?? Because NSS (slave select) i...
CubeMX generate file stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h. There is a lineы in this file#ifdef HAL_EXTI_MODULE_ENABLED #include "stm32f7xx_hal_exti.h"#endif /* HAL_EXTI_MODULE_ENABLED */File stm32f7xx_hal_exti.h does not exist at all anywhere else
Hi I am using the STM32L433 100 pin which has the internal 2.5v vref buffer for the ADC. I am getting readings, not accurate, from the adc . Looking at the data sheet the internal vrefbuf is tied directly to the VREF+ pin, and when I measure that pin...
Posted on January 26, 2018 at 21:05 Hi, I'm writing an application with a STM32L051 (32 pin, 64kB ROM). This application uses the RTC and I wanted to use the RTC periodic auto wake-up feature to update the time display every 60 seconds. THE...
I need to accurately time the delay between two rising edges being triggered (charging time of a capacitor). The device I'm testing this out on is on a Nucleo-H743ZI but eventually want it to run on a Nucleo-F446RE so am not looking to use the HRTIM ...
Hello,I've heard that some bugs have been found on Cortex M7 related to cache management, and that the STM32H7 will embed the fixed version of Cortex design. But I can't find when this updated version of STM32H7 will be available. Also, where (in wha...
hi ,I have some problms about FMC-SRAM with own r&d board based on stm32h750,hope someone give me some hlps�? Now we have a strange problem that we operate on an external 16-bit bus. If we just write a word (16-bit) that is 2 bytes, the actual bus op...
Any idea what could have happened?I'm working with a small system: CubeMX, FreeRTOS, a couple of tasks. I debugged a task resume loop last week, and now I'm setting up another variant. Same processor, slightly different peripherals. Now that I try to...
Hi, I am tring out RF Communication and im tring to use the Virtual Wire Library, I Have added the Library to my project file and linked it in the settings (i think) but when i build i get the follow error..\Drivers\VirtualWire\VirtualWire.h: file no...