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Forum Posts

Multi slave SPI for STM32F427ZIT6

Hi,I am using STM32F427ZIT6 for one of the design. I am new to designing. I am connecting 8 ADC's to this device using SPI. I am using SPI4 (Pin 1,4,5). I want to know whether chip select (8 nos) can connect to any IO's?? Because NSS (slave select) i...

DKS by Associate II
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RTC periodic wake up interrupt fires only once

Posted on January 26, 2018 at 21:05 Hi, I'm writing an application with a STM32L051 (32 pin, 64kB ROM). This application uses the RTC and I wanted to use the RTC periodic auto wake-up feature to update the time display every 60 seconds. THE...

Fixed version of Cortex in STM32H7 ?

Hello,I've heard that some bugs have been found on Cortex M7 related to cache management, and that the STM32H7 will embed the fixed version of Cortex design. But I can't find when this updated version of STM32H7 will be available. Also, where (in wha...

Gpeti by Senior II
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About FMC-SRAM transmission

hi ,I have some problms about FMC-SRAM with own r&d board based on stm32h750,hope someone give me some hlps�? Now we have a strange problem that we operate on an external 16-bit bus. If we just write a word (16-bit) that is 2 bytes, the actual bus op...

HLeaf by Associate
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Resolved! Atollic TrueStudio stopped single-stepping

Any idea what could have happened?I'm working with a small system: CubeMX, FreeRTOS, a couple of tasks. I debugged a task resume loop last week, and now I'm setting up another variant. Same processor, slightly different peripherals. Now that I try to...

How to add a library to TrueStudio

Hi, I am tring out RF Communication and im tring to use the Virtual Wire Library, I Have added the Library to my project file and linked it in the settings (i think) but when i build i get the follow error..\Drivers\VirtualWire\VirtualWire.h: file no...

MikeP by Senior
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