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Forum Posts

Not able to communicate RS232 based device

hi, I am ankit and using STM32F4 discovery board. I am new to ST and beginner in C programming too. I have to send command sequence in hex format to another device whose details are...baud rate 9600/19200(default 9600)paririty NONstop bit 1data 8 bit...

0690X000008BZOsQAO.png 0690X000008BZQAQA4.png 0690X000008BZPqQAO.png
ankit1 by Associate
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How to generate PWM pulse with varying timer period?

Hi, I am working on STM32F56G eval board. I need to generate a PWM pulse with varying time period on a single channel. I am new to stm32 PWM. With DMA burst code example time period is changing on the runtime .How can I generate a PWM pulse with diff...

phenom by Associate II
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Resolved! SDCard DMA to RAM, No Performance Improvement

Hello All,I recent implemented a DMA transfer for SD card data to RAM (technically an external SDRAM) on the STM32F765VI. Previously we had been using an IT transfer. In other words, we are now using SDCard_WriteBlocks_DMA rather than SDCard_WriteBlo...

ZThat by Senior
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Erratic USART behaviour using KEIL 5 Compiler

Hi All,I have a project that currently has a blinky, 2 ADC channel on DMA circular which were successfully working .I have now implemented the USART2 on IRQ on my STM32F302 Nucleo. The USART2 is running at 32Mhz and 9600 baud. I have set up the USARt...

glenn0010 by Associate III
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ANSWER: Why SWD stopped working after re-programming

I had a board that I was debugging, and all was going swimmingly. Then I started getting an 'unable to connect' message while debugging. I didn't touch the hardware, nothing had changed. So I thought.To make a long story short, I had enabled the f...

caleb by Associate III
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