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hiOn stm32h743, usb hs1 with external phy works perfectly well in dma mode. Its perfoamance and reliability is very good.But usb hs2 with internal phy not work in dma mode. If I disabled dma mode, it works but not reliable. It's internl fifo sometime...
I configured window watchdog with ewi interrupt enabled, and enabled isr for WWDG_IRQn too, But it can not generate interrupt before reset the core. And there is no HAL_WWDG_Start_IT() function in stm32h7xx_hal_wwdg.c.
mcu: STM32H743IITxhardware: USB_HS1 + usb3300 physoftware: usb host mode with all classesAll code are generated by cubemx 6.1.1, and I trace the usb data on wire with usb data analyzer.if OTG's internal DMA disabled, full speed usb device works ok, b...
I have a ScrollList, configed as not circular, snapping enabled. After scroll finished, I want to know which item is the first visible in window.
st released a spirit mp3 encoder in STM32CubeExpansion_Audio_V1.1.1. But I failed to call functions inside lib file lib_mp3encoder_cortex_m4_v2.2.0.a.Are there m7 version lib for my stm32h743 mcu?