Recently, I began to deal with the STM32F7 stone, as the STM32F4 lacked speed. By the result, I realized that if you simply run the same program (calculating digital filters) on F4 and F7 at the maximum core frequency, then the performance does not i...
command orders:7F return 7992 6D return 797F return 7944 BB return 79FF FF 00 or FF FE 01 OR FF FD 02 return 1F
Hi,Having our board in which we have interfaced STM32F429 to SRAM (IS61WV204816BLL) .Facing issue while reading back the data after writing.Actual scenario: Have written a SRAM test code in which am writing 10 bytes starting from SRAM location 0x640...
I use the RTC of STM32F407 with LSE (32.768 kHz).A battery is connected to VBAT for backup.In the reference manual, the Backup operating voltage is at least 1.65V, but the RTC is actually backed up to about 0.3V.I do not know the reason. Could you te...
Hi,I am using STM32F427ZIT6 for one of the design. I am new to designing. I am connecting 8 ADC's to this device using SPI. I am using SPI4 (Pin 1,4,5). I want to know whether chip select (8 nos) can connect to any IO's?? Because NSS (slave select) i...
CubeMX generate file stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h. There is a lineы in this file#ifdef HAL_EXTI_MODULE_ENABLED #include "stm32f7xx_hal_exti.h"#endif /* HAL_EXTI_MODULE_ENABLED */File stm32f7xx_hal_exti.h does not exist at all anywhere else
Hi I am using the STM32L433 100 pin which has the internal 2.5v vref buffer for the ADC. I am getting readings, not accurate, from the adc . Looking at the data sheet the internal vrefbuf is tied directly to the VREF+ pin, and when I measure that pin...