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Resolved! STM32L152

Hi,Is there somebody who really used the RTC using external crystal (HSE) of 32.768KHz ? I tried to use it but with no success.Using the RTC with internal oscillator of 40KHz (HSI) the all it's OK. I think that there is a problem with external crysta...

costi by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L152 LSE

Hi,I want to use STME32L152 with LSE for RTC.I set the bit LSEON in the register RCC_CSR but the bit remains always 0. I proceeded the same with LSION and it is working well.I disable also the bit LSECSS and behavior is the same.The LSE oscilator did...

costi by Associate III
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Problem in sending the first byte in SPI communication.

Hello,I am using the STM32L053 microcontroller and it is currently communicating with another microcontroller (NRF52 ) through SPI protocol. The STM32L053 is slave and the other is the master.The application consists of :1) The Master(nRF52) sends a ...

VMaha by Associate
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Hello, We are using an STM32L4S5, and running into an issue with the DMA that is servicing the USART2 RX FIFO. The DMA appears to be getting starved. Is there any way to monitor the bus or DMA to see why this is happening? Thanks!

We are using an STM32L4S5, and running into an issue with the DMA that is servicing the USART2 RX FIFO. It appears that the USART FIFO is filling up, and the DMA is not able to keep pace. The baud rate is 460800 with hardware flow control turned on, ...

Resolved! STM32F407 internal pin pulldown in standby?

Hi,I'm trying to find out whether there is any way to maintain internal pulldowns on pins in standby mode on the STM32F407.I suspect that this is not the case but haven't been able to find a definitive answer in the documentation. Any help would be a...

jayl by Associate
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STM32f103rbt6 Nucleof103 can bus not working

Hi all,can on the nucleo board is not working.tried using HAL and bare metal.could this be a hardware issue with connections on the nucleo board.for ex. there is a limitation on usart2.the same hal code with appropriate linker works fine for the blue...

Hp.14 by Associate II
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ADC sampling with timer?

I am using stm32f4 discovery board. I will record sound approximately at 5.56 kHZ. So i use 10 bit resolution 480 clock cycle PCLK2 at 21Mhz . When i press the button it will take sample for 10 seconds. Sampling frequency is okay. For 10 seconds reco...

D.K. by Associate II
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