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Forum Posts

How to handle SPI DMA (50Mbits/s) and While() loop?

Hello!I use SPI DMA (NSS always down) communication between 2pcs H743ZI.Everything work fine, till I don't change SPI speed to higher frequency (6MBits/s)It seems like, the DMA interrupts don't let enough time for While() to run.EXAMPLE:... uint8_t p...

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SFeje by Associate II
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STM32F334 & SPI Modes

Hi,The ILI9341 display on Page #35/233, is it using SPI MODE:3 ? Can someone clarify ?Slightly confused with the timing diagram for the 4 line Serial interface and hence my question.I am trying t...


STM32F407VET USART example

Hi community, I'm searching a USART example , STM32F407VET​First, I create code by using STM32CubeMX. ​I has try it but it is too hard to use that. ​I felt 'HAL UART' example of length of the array that receive and send , has limited. (or need more b...

BSang by Associate III
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FMC: Burst access fail with continuous clock ?

Hello,We are struggling for a while with bank2 access in continuous clock.We are using FPGA connected to bank2 in FMC bus.We work with FIFO access in FPGA (a single address for the FIFO)Single register access works fine, but with burst access there a...

ranran by Senior II
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Microcontroller stucks when uart not connected

i am using stm32L072I am using uart1 in the code I found that code doesn't works ,if i don't connect a usb to uart converter between PC and the microcontroller .When i connect usb to uart connector and reset microcontroller ,it starts working :wear...

SA.17 by Associate III
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