2019-11-26 9:46 AM
I am hoping to use the CMSIS/DSP libraries to work on data that I periodically store on external RAM. If it is important, my current plan is to use the Lyontek LY68L6400 PSRAM or the VTI7064 SRAM (more expensive). Both are 64Mb volatile memory ICs that would be suited to my application.
If I can't use the controller I can still use the quad SPI peripheral in indirect mode, but I'd prefer the ease of memory-mapped mode.
2019-11-26 9:52 AM
Probably, though you'd need to do your own drivers and bring-up.
If I were you I'd proto-type via a wiring harness or socket on a NUCLEO-144 board. Expect to spend a couple of man-days on it.
Perhaps chat with your local FAE about their experiences, and those of other customers.
2019-11-26 10:25 AM
You can use SPI-RAM (although these devices are quite rare and expensive), but in memory mapped mode only read is possible. For write you've got to use indirect write mode.
Memory mapped write is possible with the Octo-SPI interface (currently only in L4+, L5 devices).
2019-11-26 6:34 PM
Thanks so much, this helps a lot.