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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to edit USART BAUDRATE using only register header file?

Hello everyone.I am trying to edit the baudrate using register header file without using HAL. I am working with STM32L4R5ZI and IAR complier.I found these lines in the header files but don't know how to use them./****************** Bit definition fo...

KHuyn by Associate II
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How can i bit bang I2c and SPI?

I need to bit bang I2c and SPI, I have tried to look for application notes but couldnt find! could some one help me with this information or provide me some insights!

Apill by Senior
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Running a software from a flash STM32F779II

I would like to run my firmware from the flash address :0x08040000so I partitioned the memory layout for the software as shown:ENTRY(Reset_Handler)       /* Highest address of the user mode stack */   _estack = 0x20080000; /* end of RAM */       /...

Resolved! can I use all 8 UARTs of STM32F091VC?

Hi All,Currently, I'm working on project wherein I need the maximum number of UARTs I can get. After doing some research, I came across the STM32F091VC controller which has the 8 UART (max number of UARTs ST can provide). Unfortunately, there is not ...