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Forum Posts

Problem with STM32F4.7 External Interrupt

Dear All,i configured an input pin as external interrupt with rising edge detection and pulled it down internally.i apply a pulse train which it sets and resets within the time that the interrupt is disabled.i expect that the ISR executes when it is ...

RShar.17 by Associate II
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STM32F103 - PB3 just doesn't work as GPIO

Posted on December 14, 2016 at 10:27Hello,did anyone ever manage to get PB3 working as an I/O port on an STM32F103?I am having a hard time with the F103VB where I need PB3 as input - no matter what I try, PB3 simply is returning a 0 value.AFIO->MAPR...

tilmann by Associate III
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SPI not working with MCP6S21

Hi everyone,I would like to use a simple VGA (MCP6S21) but still not reach to do it.The datasheet is available here :'d like to put a +2 gain, the signals (SCK,MOSI) I transmit seems to be O...

MJouv by Associate
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About UART communication between PC and STM32F4

Hey, I am trying to connect my STM32F4-DISC board to PC via USART. It is a very common and basic example like sending a string to PC COM port which is covered by lots of tutorials on the web. But my question is,I first used this product and directly ...

YAkse by Associate III
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STM32F429 SPI Transmit Problems

I have been following a course Mastering microcontroller with STM32, and the emphasis of this course is to walk the student through the architecture of STM32 MCU's, and develop the driver's for GPIO, SPI. I2C, and USART from scratch. I have an STM32F...

Will1 by Associate II
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