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Forum Posts

Sectioning STM32f779II Flash Memory Layout

Hello,I'm trying to allocate 768KB For the Flash for the user program. at address 0x08000000 And also save constant data starting from address 0x08100000  consuming 1024 K bytesNow from my understanding I should have free space for example sector 10,...

Resolved! How to edit USART BAUDRATE using only register header file?

Hello everyone.I am trying to edit the baudrate using register header file without using HAL. I am working with STM32L4R5ZI and IAR complier.I found these lines in the header files but don't know how to use them./****************** Bit definition fo...

KHuyn by Associate II
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How can i bit bang I2c and SPI?

I need to bit bang I2c and SPI, I have tried to look for application notes but couldnt find! could some one help me with this information or provide me some insights!

Apill by Senior
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