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Resolved! STM32G0B1RCT6 USB_DRD_FS Doubt

hi,Using STM32G0B0CET6USB_DRD_FS---Host_Only_FS,USB_HOST---Mass Storage Host Class,FATFS---USB DiskUSB Interrupt---Enable. My requirement: i just want to create  and write the file to usb_host.c and whenever i pluged the usb, the file automatically c...

Screenshot 2024-09-26 145107.png

CAN Bootloader in STM32L433 Nucleo-64

Hi,  I'm trying to use built in can bus bootloader in STM32L433 Nucleo Board. To enter the bootloader, I configure the Flash option byte as below:       void configure_bootloader_option_bytes(void) { // Define a structure to hold the option byte ...

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KAhmed by Associate II
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Resolved! LED won't toggle

I am trying to toggle one of the LED lights of STM32 NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q board. I am working with the latest version of STM32CubeIDE 1.16.1. The steps I followed are given in the picture. However, I find this error when I debugg:set *(int *)0xE000EDFC=*(...

emb_rf by Associate III
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Resolved! Configuring DQS Delay for OctalFlash on STM32U5A9J-DK.

Hello STM Community,I am currently working on the STM32U5A9J-DK board and interfacing with an OctalFlash memory. I need assistance in optimizing the data capture process using the DQS (Data Strobe) signal.In my setup, the OctalFlash sends both DQS an...

sohm by Associate III
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I2C Communication Between STM32F446RE and MCP4725

Hello everyone,I'm working on a project with an STM32F446RE, a MCP4725 DAC, and a potentiometer to simulate the throttle of an electric racing motorcycle. My goal is to read the potentiometer value through the ADC of the STM32 and then transmit it vi...

Soniaa12 by Associate
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Resolved! FDCAN 1 and FDCAN 2

Good morning, I am currently working on the nuclei H755 ziq. it says on the data sheet and on stm32ide that it has two FDCANS. however, I have only found in the schematics one tx and one rx port. how do I know if they are connected to FDCAN 1 or FDCA...

Capture d’écran 2024-09-30 à 10.07.16.png
Jad by Senior
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Resolved! Pull-down resistors on ADC pins on STM32H563RGTx

Is the pull down resistors on PA7 and PC1 necessary or can I skip these? (These pins are SPI2 MOSI) The reason why I ask is because I need to use the ADC functionality of these pins, but with the pull down resistors it's messing up my ADC readings, s...

Oscar3 by Associate II
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