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Resolved! Calling a function by it's address not working

Using a STM32F0 discovery board, I have this function:void BlinkBlue(void) { for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD4_GPIO_Port, LD4_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_Delay(50); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD4_GPIO_Port, LD4_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); H...

NNar by Associate II
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//Enable ADC1 begin =========================================================================================================================================== RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_ADC1EN; __NOP();   ADC1->CR = 0; //off ADC   //ADC interru...

Jumping to Application inside main not working

Hi, I am using STM32f429 I am trying to do FOTA. After the bin file is flashed when I tried to jump from main using jump to run the code which uploaded at the other address not working the code get stuck into the hard fault handler can anyone help me...

AChan.15 by Associate II
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Hi, I'm using the STM32L073CZ micro in a thermometer application.I've used CubeMX to create the base code and adapted it.I'm using ADC channel 1 for the temperature measurement, which is working correctly. I'm only initializing the ADC channel when i...

couldn't able to get the can bus working!!!

Hi,I have two projects. one project i have generated using cubeMX and another one i have imported from example project of STM32F769I_EVAL .I'm using Nucleo-f767zi board.I have configured both the projects in the same way but the STM32F769I_EVAL proj...

VPras by Associate II
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