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Forum Posts

I am trying to read the measurement registers from MPU6050 via i2c, the MCU was able to detect the MPU6050, but i am not able to read the measurement registers, i am using the Hal i2c drivers and i have pasted my code ?

int main(void){  /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */   /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* USER CODE ...

ADC with DMA reads random zeros

Hey there, I'm using a STM32H742 Eval Boards to read analog data with the ADC with DMA. I want to do multiple measuremts very rapidly.In the first measurment the ADC reads a couple Zeros (see plot, note: plote is bit older and has multiple measurment...


How to make http fsdata

I need create the fsdata for my http server. I see there makefsfile or fcarm.exe can converter to c file, but I cannot fine where to get these files. Tried to search online but no result. Any one can tell me where to download them?

kqian by Associate II
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PARAM ERROR in CANBUS Data transfer!!

Hi,I'm trying to send data from STM32F767Zi to another node using CANBUS starts sending data every second and at other node i can get data, but all of a sudden data stops transmitting,when i debug i finding HAL_CAN_ERROR_PARAM.what cou...

VPras by Associate II
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CAN Receive Interrupt porblem

HiI am new at CAN communication protocol and working with STM32f407. I used example to run fist communication. I can receive and transmit frames.But the problem is, when a frame is sent from first board to other board, second board goes to ISR receiv...

bxcan bit stuffing problem

I have a board with stm32f415 that use the bxcan that continuosly (8 packet every 10 seconds ) trasmit to another receiver board that use Microchip MSC2515 as CAN controller.Some of the packet that i sent from STM32F415 contains all zeros bits. I hav...

DCogl by Associate
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STM32H7 SPI with DMA using memory to start transfer

Dear all,I'm starting to use STM32H7 for a real-time project and my first task is to optimize the SPI communication. The final implementation will be a library that elaborates data from SPI and send the elaborated data in another SPI (like a pass-thr...

ARess by Associate
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