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How to plot real time data in GUI.

I am trying to plot real time data in GUI.But when i run the program of GUI,it shows graph in MATLAB instead of GUI.I am just using command in GUI: run('matlab file name '). Code is written in matlab and calling this file in GUI.Thanks.

Mohan1 by Associate III
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HRTIMER input frequency

Can the HRTIMER input frequeny be lower than the maximum value given in the datasheets? E.g. on a G74 with HRTIMER input at 125 MHz, steps would be nice 250 ps versus 188.2... ps at 170 MHz.The functional description "HRTIM timer is made of a digital...

How to detect interrupt by a timer?

Hi all,I know how to program a time base interrupt by a timer in HAL, but now I'm learning about do it in CMSIS, with a STM32F303CCT6 MCU.My question is, in RM0316 doc, page 287, it talks about the Interrupts and Exceptions Vectors, wioth a total of ...

JAlca by Senior
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H743 two SDMMC not work Simultaneously

hi i working on stm32h743vit to have two uSD card Simultaneously i use fatfs and SDIO 1 and SDIO 2each sd card working in Single mode for SDIO 1 and SDIO 2but i merge and change something to work correctly but in main just mount work ....i cant find ...

stive by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H743 Cortex-M7 core revision?

Hi!I was wondering which ARM Cortex-M7 revision does the STM32H743 uses.Does all the H7 family use the same core rev?Asking because we currently have a STM32F746 and we want to avoid de single stepping bug while debigging from the r0p0 and r0p1 core ...

STM32L4 Wrong MSI speed

Hello! I noticed a speed error on MCU L476 and L433. When setting MSI frequency to 1 MHz, the frequency is 1015.5. (Auto trimered by LSE, LSE enabled and work well) At higher frequencies, the operation is normal. What could be the reason?