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Forum Posts

Microsecond delay using Timer in stm32l0

I have tried below code for generating the microsecond delay for the stm32l0, but its not myTicks = 0;********//Enabling The timerrRCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN;      TIM2->PSC = 0;      TIM2->ARR = 72;      TIM2->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_URS;...

Writing and reading from Flash on STM32F446

I have a Nucleo-64 Dev Board where I'm developing and testing my automation solution.I'm using the latest STM32CubeIDE and updated STM32 FW Package (1.24.1), FreeRTOS and FATFS as Middleware.I'm trying to wrap HAL Flash Write function, aside a simple...

peppea82 by Associate II
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Resolved! FMC controller conflict issue

I have 2 FMC controllers on my STM32F429 design. The first controller is SDRAM controller which is used by LTDC&DMA2D as video buffer;The second controller is PSRAM controller which is used as data interface between STM32 and FPGA;​The two controller...

RLee.7 by Associate
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YMODEM Header Meaning?

I am trying to implement IAP on a Nucleo F429ZI, and have been working on adapting some YMODEM code into an application. I haven't been able to find full documentation on YMODEM headers. When I transmit a file with YMODEM to the controller, I get the...

JChan.0 by Associate II
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