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Forum Posts

Communication between two FDCAN members and a third member transmit a CAN-FRAME which the two others should ignore. The thrid member ignores FDCAN-Messages

Hello everyone,I am using the NUCLEO-144 Board with STM32H743ZI.I would like to test the FDCAN with three members. Two of them use the FDCAN. The third one is an uC which accept FDCAN but cannot do anything the message of the two others. If I send me...

MSchn.14 by Associate
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Howto: Firmware Version Handling?

I'm new at stm32 processors and have a question about firmware handling. At the moment I'm using an uint value for the firmware version and it seems not to be the correct way. So what's the right way for doing this? Is there a register where I can sa...

STM32H743 UART read/write to/from PC and MCU

Hey there,I was wondering where I could find some resource materials for configuring UART to read and write to serial or if I could get a hand with it. Using CubeMX, I've enabled USART3, USB_OTG_FS, and and the USB CDC middleware, but still can't see...

Resolved! [STM32L431] Cannot monitor VBAT using ADC

I am trying to read VBAT value through channel ADC1_IN18.VBAT should be between 2.3 and 3.3V.VREF+ pin is connected to VDDA=1.8V.Values measured using ADC are linearly related to the real VBAT value, but I have not been able to get the exact value.Fo...

TClar.18 by Associate II
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SDIO (with DMA) does not respond after inactivity

Hello to the community!I've run into a strange problem on my STM32F7:I init, mount and open a file directly after the uC initif I read this file often (from my main() while(1)), I never have read problems (it can works for hours)if I don't read the f...

jean by Senior
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