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Forum Posts

RTC Alarms

Hi,I am having Nucleo 476RG board.I configure Alarm A. HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback functions is called upon occurrence of Alarm.Now when I configure AlarmA and then enter standby mode, the board wakes up from the standby mode upon the occurrence of a...

HMaje.1 by Associate III
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How to use stm32-lis3dh driver

Hello. I have LIS3DH accelerometer and I would like to use it with my ST32F4 board.I have found the BSP drivers :STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.28.0\Drivers\BSP\Components\lis3dshand also available here:

LPetr.1 by Senior II
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Resolved! Bootloader activation STM32G0C1

I cannot enter the bootloader with the BOOT0 pin in the STM32G0C1 while I can with the NUCLEO-G0B1RE.I already checked the option bytes, and tried with nBOOT_SEL = 0 and nBOOT_SEL = 1.In the Nucleo board, it seems this nBOOT_SEL has no effect at all,...

Resolved! Synchronizing the clocks of two STM32s

Hello,I have two stm32f411e-disco cards. I want to synchronize the clocks of these cards. In other words, I want the clock of one of them to run synchronously with the clock in the other stm. How can I follow a way. As an example, I can say the follo...

Write memory bootloader command issue

Hi everyone, long story short is that i'm trying to use the system bootloader capabilities to handle updates over UART which open the possibility of OTA and everything goes smoothly until i need to write the new data, i've been pulling my hair off fo...

Zer0-bit by Associate II
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Detect internal wake from RTC

Hello,I am using RTC internal wake [10 sec] using the following code:void go_to_sleep(void) { HAL_SuspendTick(); HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT(&hrtc, 10, RTC_WAKEUPCLOCK_CK_SPRE_16BITS); HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP2Mode(PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI); HAL_RTCEx_Deact...

x4ce by Associate III
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I had problem about flash memory

Hello.In STM32H7S7L8HXH_flash_default_app.ld, it is set to __FLASH_BEGIN = 0x08000000,In STM32H7S7L8HXH_RAMxspi1_ROMxspi2_app.ld, it is set to __FLASH_BEGIN = 0x70000000.In fact, 0x08000000 is not uploaded, and 0x70000000 is uploaded and works.Can I ...

jeidi by Associate
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