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STM32L412CB (48-pin device) - USART3 RX on PB11 not working


I did set up a basic STM32_CubeIDE project with 3 USARTs.

When the PB11 Pin (USART3 RX) is connected to the communication signal, the signal is corrupted to a high signal level of 2.6V and a low signal level of 1.7V. This also happens also, when I configure the PB11 Pin as a General Input Pin.

The Tx Signal of USART3 on PB10 and UART1 and UART2 are working correctly.

In the Errata sheet STM32L412xx I found the following comment about PB11:

"On 48-pin devices with SMPS support, the non-bonded PB8 and PB11 GPIOs remain software configurable."

As far as I can see in the datasheet, there is no 48-pin device with SMPS support. But the "non-bonded" comment worries me a bit - does this mean, on this device the PB11 Pin is really not connected and so the USART3RX function is not working at all (not published in the errata)?


In the meantime, I found out, that an SMPS-Type of the 48-pin housing exists, and this type was on my board (SMT32L412CBT6P). This explains the behaviour...