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Hi,I am using STM32 F303 VCT6 and want to output PWM signal on TIM3, TIM2.I followed the instructions in some video to build the code using STM32CubeMX.I set the Clock Source for both timers to 'Internal Clock'.I set all four channels for bother time...

Ala1980 by Associate II
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exit STANDBY every second from RTC on STM32F100RBT

Hello, I'm using STM32F100RBT. How can I use HAL_RTCEx_SetSecond_IT to exit STANDBY mode?I'm able to exit STANDBY using ALARM, and able to get an interrupt every second using HAL_RTCEx_SetSecond_IT , but I can't wake up from standby with it.What shou...

ISeed by Senior
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I'm using TIM6-DAC-DMAMUX-DMA to create a periodic signal as shown in the following picture. The yellow curve is DAC output, and green curve is a toggled GPIO for debug. I catched an unexpected interrption time point which is described as followed:

Registers Setting: DMA_S0CR: MSIZE=PSIZE=16bit, DBM=1, MINC=1, CIRC=1, DIR=M2P, TCIE=1, EN=1DMA_S0NDTR = 8DMA_S0M0AR points to a buffer: 0x8000, 0x6000, 0x4000, 0x2000, 0x0000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x6000DMA_S0M1AR points to a buffer: 0x7000, 0x5000, 0x30...

Jerry1 by Associate
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Chaining Timers (STM32F303CCT6)

Hi all!,I want to create a function for this:-Generate a number of pulses (pNumber)-With a period of seconds (nSec)-And a Duty cycle of 150msFor example, if I create that function "Signal(pNumber, nSec)", and then I call it:Signal(10, 200);I will hav...

JAlca by Senior
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Resolved! TIM2, using TI2 external clock problem (STM32F303CCT6)

Hi all!,I want to use TIM2 to count tghe times a button is pressed.I connected the button to PA1, with a pulldown resistor. When the button is pressed, a hign pulse enters to PA1.I run this program, and read the TIM2->CNT, but it doesnt move.This is ...

JAlca by Senior
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Truestudio was working fine. After adding 1 line in a source file, I got stuck with the attached error message. Changing the source back to original did not help, still getting the same error. Any suggestions how to proceed?

No source file named C:\\vmi\\viber_x4\\x4_fw_1_1\\BootLoader\\SRC\\bl_main.c.Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.GR_IconMenu (iconSTR=0x23a0008, Options=0) at ..\..\COMMON\SRC\GraphMenus.c:151151    if (xCount == 0)Halted to watch...

fbackvid by Associate II
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