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Resolved! Did I brick my board? I'm trying to understand low power mode, and ran the code below and now can't connect to st link.

/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin (PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1); gotoSleep(); /* USER CODE END 2 *// * @brief void gotoSleep(void) * * @retval None */void gotoSleep(void){    HAL_Delay(1000);    HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode();    SystemClock_Config();}

PAngl.14 by Associate II
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Circular DMA bursts

I use circular DMA with a buffer of size n (on a G431) to create bursts that are not necessarily equal to a multiple of n in size. This works fine, I start and stop a timer and end up somewhere in the DMA buffer array (say, at buffer[m] where 0<=m<n)...

MarcelH by Associate II
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I am trying to interface an stm32f412 with a Texas instruments ADS7953 in the auto 2 mode. I am using the TI mode and using the HAL DMA drivers to talk to the ADS7953. However after programming I am not getting the intended result.

As I understand it TI mode consists of high polarity clock, 1st edge phase and nss after every frame. I think the problem I have is the clock is running even with NSS high. This causes the bits to be shifted out of the ADS7953. It will be great if an...

NKoti.1 by Associate
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IR remote

I'm trying to code IR remote which uses NEC protocol using STM32f030 .I'm able to do the code under while(1) as as a GPIO input But i'm not able to implement it as an interrupt . Kindly help me regarding the same

OKuma by Associate II
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Simulink target ADC not working for STM32F091

I am trying to use the ADC_Read block from the simulink support package. I am able to use the ADC1 from a STM32F4 MCU but when I try to use the ADC from STM32F0 MCU it doesn't work. All the configurations should be fine since many other blocks work (...

jagjordi by Associate
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