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Forum Posts

STM32F469 Quad SPI registers inaccessible.

I am attempting to configure the quad spi peripheral on an stm32f469 microcontroller.The address space for the QSPI starts at 0xa0001000.However, the address space from 0xa0001000 to 0xbfffffff is inaccessible. Attempting to read or write to these r...

AT38 by Associate III
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fpscr is a status register in STM32L5x2 which has arm cortex M33 ? If yes it can be accesible in c or cpp IAR project using asm volatile instuctions?

Hello all,  Please confirm fpscr is a special status register in STM32 L5 series controller?The IAR compiler is giving "Illegal register name" error, when I tried to execute the instuctions in c or cpp project using "asm volatile(mrs and msr instu...

Ak.1 by Associate II
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dma with spi callback not reached

I am trying to make a project to use spi with dma to transmit and receiveeverything seems fine in "HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA" and HAL_OK returns but the code in "HAL_SPI_TxRxCpltCallback" is not reached

YHany.2 by Associate
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