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Forum Posts

Non-continuous memory RAM on STM32H743II

Hi,I am developing an application running on STM32H743II MCU and I need to use all the 1Mbyte RAM.I tried to define a RAM_region for every SRAMx, this didn't work properly and not managed to build the project successfully.Another issue is that some ...

JKhal by Associate III
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Resolved! How do I properly exit from the fault handler?

I am currently using STM32F746. I am trying to exit from a MemManage fault handler back to the instruction which triggered the fault (I am trying something hacky that properly resolves the cause of the fault inside the handler so going back to the or...

KMaen by Associate III
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SMPS Clock throttling requirement to initialize

So, I need to implement SMPS for more efficient power use on my STM32L452 MCU. From what i understand, the clock needs to be brought down to 24 MHz prior to any SMPS actions. I am operating the system at 80 MHz, so I need to bring it down to 24 and ...

rsoc by Associate III
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Resolved! Reading continuously RTC in STM32F4 ar 180MHz

I have problems when I read continuously the RTC time in stm32f446 at 180MHz, after some readings, this gives me the same value. To find a solution, I implement a delay of 1 second to read the RTC and this solves the problem, however, I don't know wh...

Long LPTIM values

My goal is to wake up an MCU that remains in STOP2 Mode. For this i've sucessfully implemented LPTIM to wake-up from STOP2. Now my problem is, that the LPTIM can only be set to a maximum value of 0xFFFF, which is 2 Seconds if i got the stm32 document...