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Forum Posts

Resolved! HAL_delay not working?

SOSI have tried the other forum suggestions but nothing seems to work so far for me. Basically I am just trying to turn an LED on/off with a set delay: while (1) {   /* USER CODE END WHILE */    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LED1_GPIO_Port, LED1_Pin, 0);    HAL_...

retro by Associate III
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USART2 communication stm32f407 discovery

I've recently started studying stm32f4 discovery and I'm trying to enable USART2 communication through virtual com port. I've tried to use the code from the book called "stm32 Arm programming for embedded systems" (I've changed value of BRR register,...

MKarp.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! UART with byte stream gets overrun error

Hello,I worked till now with H7 (stm32h743) and UARTs and had no issues at all.But recently I needed to port the project to L4 (stm32L496).For some reason UART now behaves differently:With polling there is no issue, but with interrupt or dma:As long ...

ranran by Senior II
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