STM32F7xx interrupt trigger timer counter reset
Is there a way to reset the timer (TIM4,3) via interrupt pin without using the interrupt handler/vector table?
Is there a way to reset the timer (TIM4,3) via interrupt pin without using the interrupt handler/vector table?
Greetings,I am dealing with a STM32H743ZI MCU and many of its embedded peripherals, the board is a NUCLEO H743ZI2I encounter a strange behaviour regarding SPI configuration, for SPI 1 the MOSI pinout works as expected, but for SPI 3 and SPI 4 the MOS...
hello, anyone having sample code of external eeprom ic m24m01 i2c communication.
I am using STM32H743 nucleo board for the purposes mentioned below. I create the project using Cubemx version 5.3.0 and STM firmware is 1.6.0* Creating TTL Output signals* Reading TTL Input Signals*UART-DMA Receive&Transmit*PWM (100us PW, 1ms Period)...
So I'm back to the silly problem where the HAL misconfigures the default HSI calibration when I flash the same firmware to an STM32H743ZI that works on a ZI2, and vice versa: That is the HSI clock is off by 4% (see these questions https://community.s...
Hi!When I turn on the USB power on the Nucleo Board F401RE. I assume that the UART will work perfectly and be able to recieve data from the PC...but no.I need to press the black reset button directly after I have turn on the power to the Nucleo Board...
If I set the RTC (on a STM32F091) to Feb 28th 11pm, I can see that the RTC is correctly set. I can watch the RTC increase each second. However, when Feb 29th, 12:00 am is reached, the calendar date is changed to March 1, 2020; it skips Feb 29th. T...
Hello - I am looking for a solution that can time a sequence of external events (combination of rising and falling edges). The events can occur as close as every ~10ns. The max number of events in the sequence is of the order of 100. After this there...
Hi Everyone, I am trying to read temperature value from MPU6050 sensor. I could not read it. I tried to read WHO_AM_I signal, I could'nt read it as well. Value should be 114 but i am getting 5. Does anyone has any idea what to check, how to fix? I am...
EDIT: Problem solved. The issue was caused by a missing / too short time delay between initialisation of USART and DMA and the first sent log message. After insertion of delay, everything worked like a charm!HiI'm currently working on a STM32H755ZI, ...