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STM32F769I-Discovery CAN BUS

I work with STM32F769I-discovery board. in CubeMX CAN bus interface are not available to be selected. Can someone point me to the right diretion of initialising CANBUS?​Many thanks!

RGao.2 by Associate
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Resolved! PWM input falling edge capture behavior

Hi,I'm following RM0390 reference manual's PWM input mode example for calculating frequency and duty cycle for incoming PWM signal. Basically I'm using TIM1's CC1 for capturing rising edges and CC2 for capturing falling edges. The question is that is...


Resolved! Activating TIMER PWM mode with CMSIS. Need help!

Hi all! I'm fighting witn CMSIS, and now I'm triyng to start a timer in PWM mode. The MCU is a STM32F303CCT6, and the timer I want to use is TIMER3, activating a led on PA6. I didnt modify any clock, so I supose the MCU uses the HSI clock at 8MHz.Thi...

JAlca by Senior
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