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Forum Posts

STM32G031 ADC Hardware Oversampling

Hello,I'd like to use hardware oversampling to increase the ADC resolution to 16 bits. However, this is something I've never done. Is there documentation or examples available on this method? Has anyone had experience with this topic?Thanks,

xpp07 by Senior
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How to transmit UART data on STM32 discovery board?

Hi forum, I'm developing on the stm32f3disovery board with STM32F3-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0 running in IAR Embedded Workbench. I've been able to get the basic demo compiled and running, but I can't seem to get UART data transmission to work. There are no ...

RLee.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to receive all data over UART interrupt?

I am using a STM32LO73RZ board. I have set up UART with interrupts and this works. I receive data that I send from an USB to TTL converter. When I sent a character one by one, this works fine. However, when I try to send a larger message, I keep miss...

Birdym by Associate II
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Using Array to toggle outputs

Hi,I want to try use an array to set particulars outputs, base on values in that arraysI have initiated two dimensional array like in example below:uint8_t obrPr[4][4] = {  {0,0,1,1},  {1,1,0,0},  {0,1,1,0},  {1,0,0,1}   };This is sequences...

PZarc by Associate II
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RXFD_MODE and TXFD_MODE pins, what are they for?

STM32H745 DS indicates there are these signals:CANFD1_TXFD_MODECANFD1_RXFD_MODECANFD2_TXFD_MODECANFD2_RXFD_MODENo mention is made in the DS for their purpose, nor in AN5348 "FDCAN peripheral on STM32 devices". The signals are not mentioned at all in...