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I am using STM32 with the following peripherals:TIM7 for frequency generationADC with DMADAC with DMATIM Interrupt (TIM_IT)My setup:Clock: 150 MHzPrescaler (PSC:( 3-1Auto-reload register (ARR:( 13-1128 samples for DAC to generate a 30 kHz signalWhen ...
Hello,I am using a NUCLEO-G431KB with IAR EWARM 9.20.2 and trying to achieve a 250 ns ADC conversion time on ADC1 (IN1, Single-Ended mode).Configuration: 12-bit resolution, 2.5 cycles sampling time, ADC clock at 60 MHz (synchronous/2, SYSCLK 120 MHz,...
Hello,I am working with an STM32 G4 series microcontroller and using the ADC in DMA mode to handle continuous conversions. My goal is to SET a GPIO (debug pin) at the start of an ADC conversion and RESET it at the end of the conversion.Currently, I a...