Problem with debug code STM32 NUCLEO
Hi. I have a question about the STM32 NUCLEO F334R8. I connected the usb cable to the computer, compiled the generated clean code, clicked debug and terminate and I have such an error. What can it be about?
Hi. I have a question about the STM32 NUCLEO F334R8. I connected the usb cable to the computer, compiled the generated clean code, clicked debug and terminate and I have such an error. What can it be about?
Hi I am working on stm32F4 on spi communication. I am using stm32F4 as slave module and i have other qualcomm board as master module. as in master module there are 5 pins as MOSI,MISO,SCK,CS,INTR. when I am generating the code for stm32f4 using cubem...
Hi, I'm using an STM32F413RG MCU as SPI full-duplex slave, initialization is done in Cube. Every 500ms the master activate the SPI_CLK (1MHz) and the MCU outputs 16 bytes of data while receiving other 16 bytes from the master (using HAL_SPI_TransmitR...
Hi,I tried really hard to get the TIM12 working, but I had absolutely no success... I already do PWM on TIM1 and TIM4. So I tried with same settings to setup TIM12, but it does not work. The question now is: Why?What do I use?STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0I set ...
Hi! So, I attempted to make a breakout board for the LQFP64 package of the STM32F730R8 and I can't seem to get it to work somehow. Whenever I try to upload a program to it, I get a "No device found on target". If anyone has an idea or pointers, that ...
Wondering if the STM32l4 RTC could be used to wake the processor from standby mode after 1 month.Powered by the LSI, would the time drift beyond usability? Ie. It does not matter if the device wakes up 30 days or 31 days later. Just as long as its in...
Hello everyone In Keil Projects we are able to change Stack_Size and Heap_Size in "startup_stm32f746xx.s" file like this :Stack_Size EQU 0x400Heap_Size EQU 0x200BUT in IAR projects there isn't such code line in the startup file related...
Hello, We have an application where we want to use basic serial ports to communicate between two STM32 processors (32F030RCTs). The two processors are on two different boards but with the same ground system. Each processor receives and transmits per...
I'm facing a weird situation. I'm using SPI simplex receive-only mode on a Slave STM32H743. It has been working fine for a while. Until now I was enabling only the RXP interruption. The SPI1 interrupt was triggered as expected.Now I enabled also EOTI...