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Forum Posts

Problem with debug code STM32 NUCLEO

Hi. I have a question about the STM32 NUCLEO F334R8. I connected the usb cable to the computer, compiled the generated clean code, clicked debug and terminate and I have such an error. What can it be about?

MSkoc.1 by Associate
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Stm32F412 SPI interrupt full duplex slave.

Hi I am working on stm32F4 on spi communication. I am using stm32F4 as slave module and i have other qualcomm board as master module. as in master module there are 5 pins as MOSI,MISO,SCK,CS,INTR. when I am generating the code for stm32f4 using cubem...

Kpand.1 by Associate II
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STM32F4 SPI slave TX/RX error: how to reset SPI?

Hi, I'm using an STM32F413RG MCU as SPI full-duplex slave, initialization is done in Cube. Every 500ms the master activate the SPI_CLK (1MHz) and the MCU outputs 16 bytes of data while receiving other 16 bytes from the master (using HAL_SPI_TransmitR...

dvd by Associate II
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F767 TIM12 PWM HAL not working

Hi,I tried really hard to get the TIM12 working, but I had absolutely no success... I already do PWM on TIM1 and TIM4. So I tried with same settings to setup TIM12, but it does not work. The question now is: Why?What do I use?STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0I set ...

PKlar.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STACK and HEAP size

Hello everyone In Keil Projects we are able to change Stack_Size and Heap_Size in "startup_stm32f746xx.s" file like this :Stack_Size      EQU    0x400Heap_Size     EQU    0x200BUT in IAR projects there isn't such code line in the startup file related...

MSm by Associate II
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Weird triggering of SPI interruption on STM32H743

I'm facing a weird situation. I'm using SPI simplex receive-only mode on a Slave STM32H743. It has been working fine for a while. Until now I was enabling only the RXP interruption. The SPI1 interrupt was triggered as expected.Now I enabled also EOTI...

Gpeti by Senior II
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