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Forum Posts

Resolved! I2C Issue between two H7 Dev Boards

Hi, I've been trying to get an i2c connection working between two nucleo boards however nothing i have tried has worked. i am using the NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q and the NUCLEO-H723ZG both with i2c1 and on the same pins pb8(scl) and pb9(sba). for the H755 dual...

voxe_0-1727421627953.png voxe_1-1727421824098.png voxe_2-1727421838542.png
voxe by Associate II
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Firmaware demo for STM32H73LI-DK

Hello, Hello,I purchased an STM32h7b3LI-DK demo board and I would like to have the source codeof the demo firmware installed on the board, is this possible?Best regardsSébastien     

PSEBA.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! FDCAN not working with STM32U5F7

I'm using a custom board with an STM32U5F7. Written a program(with nothing else configured other than clock and FDCAN) that simply sends out a message via FDCAN (in classis mode, 500kbps) which I'm hoping to receive using a P-CAN. When probing the TX...

Hareesh_S by Associate III
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Resolved! How to generate a timestamp for datalogging ?

I need to generate a timestamp for data logging, but I'm not sure how to do it.The data packets are received via the UART at a 100ms rate and each packet of data consists of 10 bytes of serial dataByte 0: TemperatureByte 1: Voltage high byteByte 2: V...

johngj by Senior
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Resolved! Can't get oneshot timers to work

I want tim16 to, every 1 second, start tim15 which is a oneshot timer which then does something when the period elapsed.I start tim16 in my main function, which works correctly, but the tim15 interrupt only triggers once, so my output looks like this...

DavidL_ by Associate III
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Trouble initializing the I2C interface

Hi everyone, My name is Emmanuel Katto. I am having trouble initializing the I2C interface on the STM32F4 series. Could someone provide a simple example or point me to resources that detail the setup process? Looking forward to your responses.Thanks ...