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STM32F746 ADC multi channel with DMA problem!!!

HiI tried to use ADC 2 Channel Scan Mode with DMA circular but it didn't work...and very strange point is when i init DAC with DMA , ADC works. |:anybody knows why?how i use ADC DMA without DAC initialize?thanks for your help.the ADC configurations ...

Ping Pong UART DMA

Hi, I fove the following code:void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void) { ... if(GPSDMAStart == 1){ if(currentPing == 0 && currentPingProcessed == 1){ /* currently pong, switch to ping */ hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->CR &= ~(1 << 0); hdma_uart7_...

0693W000001stZ3QAI.png 0693W000001stYtQAI.png
Wleon.1 by Associate II
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SPI DMA STM32H7 SPI Slave response issue

I'm trying to implement a SPI Slave using a circular DMA on the STM32H7.I'm able to correctly receive the bytes sent from a master.I have enabled an interrupt on the rising edge of the chip select to read out the sent bytes at the end of a transmissi...

MDW by Associate II
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HAL_UART_Receive() on STM32F407 is receiving only one byte a time irrespective of amount of data being transmitted on transmitter side.

Hello,Am using STM32F407 (Discovery board). This is connected with a PC which is sending 100 bytes of data and realized that only 1 byte is received and remaining 99 bytes are lost. Below is the code excerpt running on STM32F407      while(1)      { ...

DevBee by Associate II
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I am working on stm32g071. In which i am sending some log message from uart3. But after 8 - 10 hour it stop sending data. What could be the possible issue. Please guide. The sample of my main file is given below....

   /* Initialize all configured peripherals */   MX_GPIO_Init();   MX_SPI1_Init();   MX_USART1_UART_Init();   MX_USART2_UART_Init();   MX_USART3_UART_Init();   /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */   USART1->CR1 |= USART_CR1_RXNEIE_RXFNEIE; ///USART_CR1_RXNEIE;   ...

Dkuma.13 by Associate II
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Image overlapping flash banks on STM32H745

Hello,We are using the STM32H745 dual core series, and have an image size that is nearing the single flash banks limit of 1MB. We won't be using the swap bank feature at any point. Will there be issues if the image overlaps the second bank?

TypeKazt by Associate III
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CAN messages lost in the way

Hello Everybody,I'm building a device who need to transfer a bunch of datas on a CAN bus at 250bauds.When I get the datas from my buffer to create the messages, it seem that some are mission (I'm sniffing the CAN bus with a can-bus shield from seedst...

SSchm.5 by Associate III
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QSPI - Clock starts before chip select is set

HiI am using the QSPI to interface FPGA.The setup includes STM32F769I-EVAL board wired to MAX10 evaluation board.The QSPI is configured to indirect mode, data phase only. I was able to read data from the FPGA, control clock speed and set number of by...

Arnon by Associate III
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