Hi there.I have a board from some equipament which has a STM32F091CCT6 uC, and there are 3 leds, connected to pin GPIO_C13, GPIO_C14 and GPIO_A7. Anode from leds are connected to Vcc and Catode are connected in a resistor and then to the uC pins (so ...
I'm starting to program STM32 cortex M0 uC, and I want to do it totally from scratch, without any code automatically generated for me, using STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0.In my code, I've erased everything and letf only this:int main(void)
while (1)
I will definitely not program ARM32 in assembly language. But since I want to know every register I'm working with, to understand every internal step my uC is taking, I have to understand everything it takes to start working, so that's why I want to ...
Thanks for replying.I took a look at [startup_stm32xxxxxxxx.s] but I must be missing something cuz I didn't get what I should delete or change to stop de initial code from compiling. I've tried do delete it all but some erros occurs when compilling.