2020-11-11 6:07 AM
If I use
HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)uiAdcResults, ADC_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS);
it only works with up to 5 channels. With more channels there are problems with some channels in the DAM result array. For example with 7 channels, only channel 2...5 are OK. Values of channel 1, 6 und 7 are not OK at all.
I have no idea what the problem is. Cube parameters or source code can not be totally wrong because I tried it with 3...5 channels and this was OK, If I increase the number of channels (>5) the problem occurs.
2020-11-11 6:43 AM
What does "OK" and "not OK" mean, precisely? Did you try using max sampling time?
2020-11-11 7:32 AM
Not OK for example on channel 1:
Value in watch window it is always about 470 (460...480), even if there ist GND or 3,3V on the port pin. It seems that a totally wrong register is copied to the array.
I also tried now with maximum sampling time (640.5 Cycles). No change.
2020-11-11 7:40 AM
2020-11-11 7:41 AM