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Resolved! USBX MSC + FileX + NAND Flash - Windows I/O

Hello,I am building and application with a STM32U575 and a 4Gb NAND Flash. What I am trying to achieve now is to upload files from my PC through USB and then used these file within the STM32 using FileX.I already managed to set up FileX and LevelX to...

Pepils by Associate II
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Resolved! Problem with selecting HSE as system clock

Hi Every one.When i am trying to write CS bit of RCC_CFGR register of STM32G491RE MCU to select HSE as a system clock (i.e 10) it changes to 11 (01 is default so i guess i am not able to clear these bits before assigning new value). Can anyone tell m...

srbhktyr by Associate II
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Resolved! systick handler keep pending on stm32h7 board.

I made a project with stm32h7 board, and use pemicro multlink to debug it under keil. I found it keep in systick handler pending but no active.I checked systick module register as:the counter is changed.and then I checked SCB releate registers asand ...

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Read 3 analog signals; 5 - 20 kHz sampling rate

Hello,I have two core boards:1st: Nucleo-64 with STM32L476RGT6U 64 pins, 1Mb of flash memory and 128 Kbytes of SRAM.2nd: Nucleo-144 with STM32F429ZIT6U with 144 pins, 2Mb of flash memory and 256+4 Kbytes of SRAM.I have a little experience only with P...

Resolved! FSMC - TFT - STM32F7 Series

hi,I am trying to connect ili9341  - STM32F722ZE FSMC- TFT but i couldn't succeed .ili9342 16bit - is working in direct GPIO 16 bit data PORT drive with STM32F722ZE not in FSMC-TFT . Looks most of the ili9341 working with FMC-TFT STM32F4 Series   aro...

MMARI.1 by Senior
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Systick interrupt handler stopped being called

Hello STM32G0B1 For some obscure reason, sometimes the systick handler function is not called anymore.I mean, it works for some time then it does not work anymore. It looks like it is more likely to happen when I'm debugging but I have no factual inf...

JulienD by Senior
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